The depths of first love seemed a light in the dark, for this feeling was wild and restless.
Happier Fates
Happier fates enchant people well traveled, so voyage out with a wild heart.
Labor of Love
Bringing a book to life is a labor of love, unique in ability to take you into the wild of literary worlds.
Breathing or Dying
She was the sort to fall for people who ran away. Love is a variable so wild it can feel like breathing or dying.
With A Promise
Love with a promise and be wild with joy.
In The Rain
I rather had a sudden desire to rush with a wild laugh, and run naked in the rain.
Wild Mass
I am a wild mass of hair lost in the world.
Grow Wild
I've noticed, some things have to grow wild in a storm, erect and defiant.
Dangerous Man
His soft, sweet eyes belong to a wild and dangerous man.
So Wild
The world could be so wild. No buildings. Just the sprawling world in the depths of the woods, wind, and grass.