The rain kissed her all over to stop the tears like a lover.

Sharing poems & thoughts, one redacted word at a time.
The rain kissed her all over to stop the tears like a lover.
Devote time to write in the rain.
I rather had a sudden desire to rush with a wild laugh, and run naked in the rain.
This pouring rain, books in a row, and I a misanthrope - considerably restored.
This morning I feel oddly happy. The secret of peace: it is unnecessary to have a problem. The rain is lovely and I will read novels life seems so meanderingly pleasant. I do nothing and will be joyful.
The splash of the rain on the sea waves encourages a step towards the fierce weather of the storm.
Close the book and watch, in a thick drizzle the rain pour down.
Early Autumn: dusk and evening - chill and damp, paths rustling with withered leaves, the blue sky hidden by boding rain. I donned a cloak and took a stroll.