My soul
without love is happy
as my worth is not
on love of a man.

Sharing poems & thoughts, one redacted word at a time.
My soul
without love is happy
as my worth is not
on love of a man.
Give yourself a chance to love the right man. Your problem is not chemistry.
It's painful to fall in love with a man like Prince Charming.
He simply adored me, I loved a man who wanted me.
People criticize a woman who gives up love, yet no one criticizes the man for the same story. The woman bears the blame in love and life.
A natural fusion of great satisfaction and complete happiness. I am man and woman - a comfortable state that lives in harmony, co-operating. A great mind is androgynous.
That mysterious woman could knock a man dead - bright eyes that carry him in cold water and blue.
There's only you, there was no man but you. Maybe that's the problem.