The human soul needs to be cared for. Logic might not know the necessities of love.
Great Words
All the great words - love, joy, happiness, were just a cocktail of experience in life.
Genuine Thrill
The genuine thrill of books and poems roused her deeper than any love affair.
Harmony With Life
It took me some days to know harmony with life. You, my love, are the end to my despair.
Haunted Me
My love of him, surely haunted me.
Love was insanity. Just maniacal.
Warm Spring Day
My heart, it broke, but on a warm spring day of sunshine I realized my feelings have come back all it took was the touch of passionate love.
In That Moment
In that moment love seemed only natural to exist in them.
Real Love
Dream until real love is around.
Vulnerable Curiosity
Love was simple but it felt like a jumbled vulnerable curiosity and I was utterly without will.