Youth lingered, then walked away, slow and quiet no sign of life.
Supreme Belief
To be free and easy is beautiful, I have a supreme belief in love and in life.
Put Off Living
Isn't it odd? How we put off living til one way or another we discover a happy life.
Picture Of Calm
I am the picture of calm. My new self. A new life.
Spewed Pain
Breathe in, breathe out. Her scream pulverized her life into fragments, her soul spewed pain.
Choices In Life
There are choices in life - arbitrary comforts or a hope capable of anything. Pretending to live or be happy with everything ahead.
More Than Life
I love more than life itself.
Live Your Life
You can't live your life waiting.
Reality Of Life
I resolved myself to the reality of life. Day after day, week after week passed and I found that a change had taken place within me. My spirits rose, eradicating the remains of melancholy.
Secret Of Peace
This morning I feel oddly happy. The secret of peace: it is unnecessary to have a problem. The rain is lovely and I will read novels life seems so meanderingly pleasant. I do nothing and will be joyful.