My life will be beautiful, unassuming, and interesting. I will dream in the woods and be too much in love.
Faith and Grace
Faith and grace do not simply happen in life but always meant considerable happiness.
Romantic Heart
You'll look back and smile at this romantic heart of yours - that's a lesson to learn in life.
Perfume of Happiness
This was it. The days are full with the perfume of happiness, a peculiar easiness as life became deeper.
Works of Art
Read a book while hours slip by. Traverse countries with adventure. Experience a love more tender than prose. In the long run, I adore these works of art in life.
Life of Gratitude
A life of gratitude is to recognize the priceless things of life.
See life for what it is, there is supernatural in simplicity and a pure heart.
Your Chance
This is your chance, this is your life. At this moment, speeding through time.
A Form of Reality
Truth be told, books are mirrors of life; a form of reality, the open window of reading show precisely that daily life is poetry.
Good Story
The heart and soul of a good story is so blended that we feel it in real life.