Do not look to people to bring happiness. Only your heart can be your guiding light, an intuition for growth.
Unstoppable Tide
She was searching for a new beginning of hope. Her heart was an unstoppable tide.
Stopped Living
I think I just stopped living. I thought, I'm not worth anything and my heart, it's still broke.
Brave Heart
For now, pretend to be a brave heart, venture out with courage for romance.
New Era
Just when you thought the story is at an end, how lovely. A new era begun: I am slowly, beginning to delight again in living, my heart pouring out, and my dreams better.
Mere Ghost
It's true, I was afflicted with work, I assure you it obscured the heart. I had become a mere ghost.
Have A Rest
Have a rest of contentment, a pleasing warmth with a heart calm in peaceful sleep.
Lust For Life
Have an incredible lust for life: a heart beating a new beginning. Open your eyes, the world is out there.
It is tragic how her generous spirit of the heart flowed to sadness.
Sinking Down
I was lost in a storm. My heart wished I had wings and could ascend instead of sinking down an abyss.