A poet in doses - helps with all those feelings and emotions that wash over you when there is no antidote for the afflictions of the soul.
More Sincere
Dig with pencil into every story, the writing will reveal intimate thoughts and feelings; the more sincere, the more profound.
Warm Spring Day
My heart, it broke, but on a warm spring day of sunshine I realized my feelings have come back all it took was the touch of passionate love.
Inner Discomfort
Relentless self-scrutiny is not so easily changed. Obsessive inner discomfort can be compulsive and bring feelings of shame with oneself.
Honest Feelings
Love and hate are honest feelings that life demands in her own voice and power.
She has a susceptibility to her feelings but is free without the sense of shame.
Her Feelings
Her feelings were no relief. Her greatest want was him.
Love Seized Away
Nothing is more painful to the human mind than the feeling which follow love seized away. No one could love more than I love.
He was full of life. Bewitching, and fearless of mind. It was a taste of feelings she had continually imagined she could hardly have.
My Feelings
Imagine if everybody had my feelings.