You are thrilled by America's greatest promise of absolute good. Lured by movies, chewed up like a fall guy, only to be conned in Hollywood plot.
Breathing or Dying
She was the sort to fall for people who ran away. Love is a variable so wild it can feel like breathing or dying.
Prince Charming
It's painful to fall in love with a man like Prince Charming.
Fall And Rise
Listen carefully, the fall and rise struggling to be heard. This song was familiar, full of loneliness an old ballad imprisoned in his ghost.
Fall in love with wine so good, a bed so soft, and a kiss under mistletoe.
Everybody expects you to fall in love, I just want you to be prepared.
Blind Fall
A blind fall had her frail moorings open suddenly, and a burst of faint music evoked incommunicable emotion, like a wave trailing in her wake.
Early Autumn
Early Autumn: dusk and evening - chill and damp, paths rustling with withered leaves, the blue sky hidden by boding rain. I donned a cloak and took a stroll.