That heartbreaking face and eyes of incredible delicacy, something made you want to stare and to notice her.
Give In
With that look in his eyes, I knew I'd give in.
Soft Flame
The soft flame of beautiful emotions are in vague, veiled eyes. People pretend to feel nothing.
Breathtaking at first sight. A woman through the eyes of love, discovered she was beautiful: her soul transformed.
Dangerous Man
His soft, sweet eyes belong to a wild and dangerous man.
Mysterious Woman
That mysterious woman could knock a man dead - bright eyes that carry him in cold water and blue.
Reflected A Smile
Their eyes lost focus, and both reflected a smile and knew there was no need to say anything.
Fleeting Glimpse
She shut her eyes, drowning in desire. This was beyond compare and she found only a fleeting glimpse of alarm.
Lust For Life
Have an incredible lust for life: a heart beating a new beginning. Open your eyes, the world is out there.
Left Alone
For a few moments she was left alone, these moments of solitude, free from eyes upon her, felt good.