A poet in doses - helps with all those feelings and emotions that wash over you when there is no antidote for the afflictions of the soul.
Soft Flame
The soft flame of beautiful emotions are in vague, veiled eyes. People pretend to feel nothing.
The way he was looking at her, my God, she was overwhelmed with all these emotions.
An Artist
An artist must love to be any good. If one could take away their emotions, their souls would be stolen.
Written In Truth
My curiosity remained, books could mix all kinds of emotions. All these books - they were written in truth.
Submerged Truth
It is in our idleness in our dreams the submerged truth comes to the top. All these emotions lurking had unmistakably roused in my heart.
Deepest Emotions
A clean calendar, a sense of space, I feel that this month, this year, I would overcome fear of my deepest emotions.
Shroud of Mystery
So many put on a shroud of mystery - emotions can be played with, yet this heart can't stop thinking on love.