My life will be beautiful, unassuming, and interesting. I will dream in the woods and be too much in love.
Steeped In Sunshine
Your face is bright all steeped in sunshine, more beautiful than the water singing as it runs on a great day.
Soft Flame
The soft flame of beautiful emotions are in vague, veiled eyes. People pretend to feel nothing.
Dream Together
Dream together of beautiful lives, in a relationship half crazy with passionate love.
My Soul Broke
We were so happy, we were so beautiful and then... my soul broke.
Beautiful Way
Live in the most beautiful way you can.
Breathtaking at first sight. A woman through the eyes of love, discovered she was beautiful: her soul transformed.
Romeo and Juliet
A love like Romeo and Juliet is beautiful but silly.
Beautiful Grace
All that time in a forest and I found nothing but beautiful grace.
Supreme Belief
To be free and easy is beautiful, I have a supreme belief in love and in life.