I guess I reached a real low patch. Felt safer that way. Didn't care. It was all over. I was alone.
I Am Here
For the first time, my identity is forming - I feel this beginning should unparalyze my words. I need not be alone. I am here.
Quiet Warmth
There is a quiet warmth sitting in nightgown and staring into the full moon, alone.
Alone, month by month, loneliness burned.
Full of Life
Her spirit and heart came round out of doors: She would be happy entirely alone, and every breath so full of life.
Solitary Rambling
I took such a taste for this solitary rambling that I did not fear breaking forth alone. My confidence proved plenty and sheltered by my cautious counsel I went wandering in search of myself.
You’re Alone
You're alone. It's just you and I think you're afraid you don't feel enough love.
Justly Selfish
I had a deeply-rooted fear of concealed trouble that could inflict seasons of gloom and silence, depression welcomed by growing happiness. We must be for ourselves in the long run - justly selfish.
Perfect Recluse
Her anger was furious, her love fierce. However, she had a propensity to invariably vex. She learnt she had not once trusted. She was a perfect recluse, perfectly contented, how long before those she notice, you could not climb the frost.
Gray Dream
The night came. I sat alone my gray dream gathering. I see him in the ghost of it - my sweet transcendent pain.