Fate is the captain behind the steering wheel in past narration and tales of magic.
Why We Write
Chapter 1 Why We Write Everyone feels inconspicuous, just one among many, but every once in a while a person feels something more, an instinct which burns in lifelong desire.
Faithful Love
Faithful love is poetry.
The Delight
Stories of inspiration are strongly moved by a passionate sense of beauty, the delight of being in love.
Devote Time
Devote time to write in the rain.
Considerable Magic
To produce a feeling in creative writing is considerable magic. Consecrate to write every day. Inspiration may come, one must simply try.
More Sincere
Dig with pencil into every story, the writing will reveal intimate thoughts and feelings; the more sincere, the more profound.
Creative Process
I was caught between what I wanted to say and technique itself. The journey, the creative process is much more intricate, but I hope to begin.
Take Up Pen
Take up pen and write, follow the artist nature.
Helpless and lost to writing and yet, in some mysterious way the servation was extraordinary.