A poet in doses - helps with all those feelings and emotions that wash over you when there is no antidote for the afflictions of the soul.

Sharing poems & thoughts, one redacted word at a time.
A poet in doses - helps with all those feelings and emotions that wash over you when there is no antidote for the afflictions of the soul.
Happier fates enchant people well traveled, so voyage out with a wild heart.
You are thrilled by America's greatest promise of absolute good. Lured by movies, chewed up like a fall guy, only to be conned in Hollywood plot.
Wanderlust is to believe happy lived where it is easy to stay lost.
Barren and weary of money - a death Americanized. How weary the world was.
The world goes on, we have to adapt.
Go be a light in the world, with a certain right sort of heart.
The past is just a moment in time; move toward a brighter future.
I have the time so we must fill every cranny and fly in lifelong adventure.
In a place of unfamiliar country, my hair tousled in invigorating air and exhilaration. I was happy, undoubtedly.