Vivid memories from school later gather in old acquaintances.
Oblivious of time immersed in the library, I have known paradise.
The World
Time is clouding the world into a deep exhausting nap; new earth is struggling, running clockwise.
Overwhelmingly Aware
He found himself breathless with her curious mouth and overwhelmingly aware of every minute.
We Must Decide
We must decide every minute is valuable. Acknowledge the good, yet rest to recover from the emotion of the past.
New Spirit
I resolved to master a new spirit and wish for strength in this unlikely hour.
You Can Sing
Enough wasted time on hurt, why cry if you can sing?
Time Stagnates
I did not know whether to resent my dreams; almost concealed behind an excess of emotion. I continued the length of the night: time stagnates here.
In Old Age
I say truly as I draw closer to the end my heart is better in old age.
Melancholy of the Future
I will write no more on the melancholy of the future.