The soul felt a terrible ache, the years went slowly numb in a spread of paralysis, of shock, an inward emptiness in her soul. Like dead leaves crumpling to powder, blown away on the wind.
Romantic Illusion
The overwhelming pressure of that romantic illusion. Fate hardly matters. You adapt to believe there is an absolute one for you.
Soft Flame
The soft flame of beautiful emotions are in vague, veiled eyes. People pretend to feel nothing.
Between Their Words
The morbid silence was alive between their words.
Waiting Game
As far as I could see, my life is a waiting game, the wheels of anxiety focus all my attention on the past.
Reopening Wounds
Talk: what do you feel? Are you ashamed of reopening wounds?
Nothing At All
I am so entirely wrapped up in self, I think I feel nothing at all.
Live With That
I gave up a love so incredible: he had me in a shiver of flesh and touch... I think of the face I love and he is gone. I know I have to live with that.
My Weakness
I was devastating my weakness, that I ruin everything I touch, without exception.
My Universe
I feared he was my universe. My life. He held a strange weight that must possess me entirely.