Together, they would brave all. They stepped or, more correctly, felt irresistibly impelled by the sweet ring of progress beyond the line of storms.
Day and night patiently enduring the gradual return back to soft thaw winds, and warm sunshine. The snow is quite gone darling, spring so sweet I feel that it would cure you.
My Beautiful Hostess
The snow began to drive thickly, I, without coat appeared in the yard at length in the radiance of rough weather. I stared at my beautiful hostess.
The World is Beautiful
The world is beautiful, it's not just city. Mountains, woods, animals, oceans - I could take you there.
Field of Ebony
So far from the city the stars brilliant on a field of ebony. Star-specked stillness. It was grass and silence of night.
Gray Dream
The night came. I sat alone my gray dream gathering. I see him in the ghost of it - my sweet transcendent pain.
Snowy Meadow
I love winter, the pools of ice and snowy meadow.
It Grew Dark
It seemed a long while, days of his absence. No signs of his coming, and it grew dark. it's as dark as if it came from the devil. Nobody could understand.
Early Autumn
Early Autumn: dusk and evening - chill and damp, paths rustling with withered leaves, the blue sky hidden by boding rain. I donned a cloak and took a stroll.
A Flower Blossomed
A flower blossomed a transformation veined with colors and light fragile as glass, and of softest pink. Marvel at everything alive and brilliant.