With her impulses, I think she is as blindingly destructive as a rejected lover.
Boy Meets Girl
If one looks at that unreal reality of boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl; the boy in question happens to set the standard for all lovers to come.
A Woman
I am strong, and I must respect that practical balance unique to the conflict of a woman, delicate and feminine.
She Blossomed
She blossomed with a heart mild as a dove, and a love ever fierce and tender.
Wicked Little Soul
That minx, she was a wicked little soul.
Black Diamond
She wore her evening dress like a black diamond.
Conventional Ideas
I need to fight conventional ideas of womanhood, like, pregnant in the kitchen. Shift the question to motive: he thought he could manipulate me.
Her Eyes
Her eyes were incandescence and she glanced back with a pure gaze of love at me.
Billie Holiday
I promise to love you the way Billie Holiday sings.
Beauty so Natural
Brown ringlets falling from a beauty so natural you dared hardly look.