I lost all chance of you, I did want you. And there won't be another chance. And I hate it. If you're honest, so am I.
Without Her
She glances at his eyes lit with an emotion so frantic, trying desperately to convey that without her there is no world at all.
Spewed Pain
Breathe in, breathe out. Her scream pulverized her life into fragments, her soul spewed pain.
Dangerous Creature
I'm afraid of her. Here is a dangerous creature whose hunger of love is strong.
I thought that was love.
Desperate Way
Consumed by thoughts so badly I ache. I love in a desperate way.
Horror Of That Moment
There was no wound, no visible bruise, but the horror of that moment had me in despair.
Slow Drift
That strange, slow drift apart creeping and intangible. It's gradual, but you know, the relationship is undead. Tottering forward without warmth, or soul, or pulse.
No Man But You
There's only you, there was no man but you. Maybe that's the problem.
Something about her, she seemed so sure but so sad too. He wanted to know her, and yet, they were strangers never to speak to each other. He couldn't stop staring.