Alone, month by month, loneliness burned.

Sharing poems & thoughts, one redacted word at a time.
Alone, month by month, loneliness burned.
My misery loves company.
I did not know whether to resent my dreams; almost concealed behind an excess of emotion. I continued the length of the night: time stagnates here.
You cannot comprehend how incomplete my life looked when I had lost her.
I thought I'd fall in love - at least that's what I thought then. I was a fool in no time.
There is strength in sorrow.
His ghost watched her draw the curtains across empty air. She wished he was still alive, surely her uneventful life was nothing waiting for him.
I was wakened. My happiness does not interest him. I selfish, got up and left him. It's human nature.
You're alone. It's just you and I think you're afraid you don't feel enough love.
Her anger was furious, her love fierce. However, she had a propensity to invariably vex. She learnt she had not once trusted. She was a perfect recluse, perfectly contented, how long before those she notice, you could not climb the frost.