My heart, it broke, but on a warm spring day of sunshine I realized my feelings have come back all it took was the touch of passionate love.
My soul, my mind, my heart. The bleeding parts cauterized, and I stopped being afraid. It is freedom.
Light In The World
Go be a light in the world, with a certain right sort of heart.
Big Change
My heart needed new dreams, a peaceful big change, a new life.
Sudden Flame
In her heart the strange potency she felt a sudden flame of wonder only to be near him.
Nothing But Heartache
I have concluded nothing but heartache helps us understand ourselves.
Guiding Light
Do not look to people to bring happiness. Only your heart can be your guiding light, an intuition for growth.
Unstoppable Tide
She was searching for a new beginning of hope. Her heart was an unstoppable tide.
Stopped Living
I think I just stopped living. I thought, I'm not worth anything and my heart, it's still broke.
Brave Heart
For now, pretend to be a brave heart, venture out with courage for romance.