How inadequate it would be for me to say you have been well worth the wait. Human beings feel this loneliness bone-deep, a great hunger a yearning to feel the greatest experience, the right mating of body and heart.

Sharing poems & thoughts, one redacted word at a time.
How inadequate it would be for me to say you have been well worth the wait. Human beings feel this loneliness bone-deep, a great hunger a yearning to feel the greatest experience, the right mating of body and heart.
You'll look back and smile at this romantic heart of yours - that's a lesson to learn in life.
See life for what it is, there is supernatural in simplicity and a pure heart.
The capacity to love with body and soul is within one's control. Deliberate love should take hold of desire and want with all that raging heart.
I am the glowing heart of magic, a heart brimmed with strong courage.
The heart is so much kinder when you fill yourself up with love.
The heart and soul of a good story is so blended that we feel it in real life.
Happier fates enchant people well traveled, so voyage out with a wild heart.
You bewitched me. You're making my heart pound freely, about to explode.
My heart appeared in a savage ferocity and the affections unalterably, all his.