Do not look to people to bring happiness. Only your heart can be your guiding light, an intuition for growth.
Unfamiliar Country
In a place of unfamiliar country, my hair tousled in invigorating air and exhilaration. I was happy, undoubtedly.
Spring and skies bloom with flowers, my senses refreshed by scents of delight and sights of beauty.
Simple Things
Savor normal, precious moments every day. Have appreciation of the simple things in life.
You Seek Happiness
You seek happiness, but allow tranquility to be absorbed by gloom and melancholy.
Everyday Life
Everyday life was much more than to just survive.
One Short Life
It's true, I want something. I want to exhaust this one short life.
Beautiful Grace
All that time in a forest and I found nothing but beautiful grace.
Don’t Compare
Don't compare. It can move you to regret.
New Era
Just when you thought the story is at an end, how lovely. A new era begun: I am slowly, beginning to delight again in living, my heart pouring out, and my dreams better.