Don't care about the money after all, the best days were ordinary times.
Great Words
All the great words - love, joy, happiness, were just a cocktail of experience in life.
Harmony With Life
It took me some days to know harmony with life. You, my love, are the end to my despair.
My soul, my mind, my heart. The bleeding parts cauterized, and I stopped being afraid. It is freedom.
In The Rain
I rather had a sudden desire to rush with a wild laugh, and run naked in the rain.
Extraordinary Change
I am coming to life in the lovely universe. Believe me, a slow, spiritual, extraordinary change is going to show in me.
Laugh More
Stop and laugh more.
More Vulnerable
I am better alone I think, an eclectic coffee table stacked with books, I feel more vulnerable to this than to any lover.
Hard Times
You have been going through hard times for awhile, but it's gonna get better now.
Inner Happiness
Connect with inner happiness - a fascinating life is a journey of smell, touch, and taste.