A heart full of forgiveness is a new level of greatness.

Sharing poems & thoughts, one redacted word at a time.
A heart full of forgiveness is a new level of greatness.
It takes courage to love always.
You wonder if you've got what it takes. You don't want to just live you have faith in yourself, and a flood of confidence in everything you do.
I can see light peek from beneath my soul. Look here. I'm trying to say I made the decision to stay.
I was in a blue streak - until I suddenly found myself.
He was going somewhere safe, a place ahead at an unknowable distance but he knew with certainty he must keep moving.
I resolved myself to the reality of life. Day after day, week after week passed and I found that a change had taken place within me. My spirits rose, eradicating the remains of melancholy.
When we find ourselves wanting nothing, when one is so full joy emanates from inside and I feel now as if I want to live each day in the absolute fact the sun is shining.
You're resilient, promise me you'll be happy.
I've been thinking, I have a chance to emerge from a world of hate.