She began to discover life wasn't too short: laughter and love were the answer.

Sharing poems & thoughts, one redacted word at a time.
She began to discover life wasn't too short: laughter and love were the answer.
That's the whole point. I don't want to fade I want to flame away - a work of art ablaze with hope.
Walk around the city, make a habit to feel humanity.
What a life! There are still kind people in this world - together, we deserve to have it all.
The inexhaustible song of light was indefinable and vaguely recognizable if I had only heard it in words.
Should you chance to vanish into nature, be as wild as you can be.
Open your eyes. Let life in and welcome experience.
Living is so uncertain and hard but I feel there is so much more purpose instead of a future so black. I want to never be afraid.
Every breath we draw, every instant of life must be called into existence from love.
I want quiet surrounded by darkness and silence: that moment would fade into a magic moment.